Thursday, May 23, 2013

Captain and the Catch

A tuna catch is something to "show and tell".

The +"Happy Times" Fishing Charter is a working fishing boat. Daily excursions along the west coast of Kauai, Hawaii often results in a tuna catch you want to show your fishing pals.

Stories about "the one that got away" quickly disappear with a picture like this.

Social media gives the boat owner +Na Pali Explorer a medium to showcase the
adventures of their fishing charter customers. 

There is something special about tonights BBQ when the meal was caught in the wild. Tuna are difficult to catch and harvest. 

They don't just jump in the boat.

Talent, experience, nature and luck all need to happen at the same time.

Living on a island in the middle of the pacific ocean, fishing has been a source of food for centuries. 

Visitors from around the world put a big effort into travel, book a fishing charter, and show up early, ready to fish.

The experience of having a monster tuna "hook-up" needs to be on your "to do" list.

+Mary Kagawa   808-338-9999    Port Allen, Kauai, Hawaii, USA   #fishing


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